Strength TogetHER 18 - Session 3

31 December 2021.

Strength togetHER facilitated by Lokopakar provides a safe platform for girls to share their personal stories, ideas, and feelings. We have been conducting our sessions physically at different schools. Now, we have started our physical session at Jyotidaya Cooperative Secondary School at Chapagaon.

Jyotidaya Cooperative School in Chapagaun, a community in the outskirt of Kathmandu Valley, is a model school that offers an alternative to expensive private schools and low-quality public schools. Run by a group of young people, the school is the only community cooperative school in Nepal. Jyotidaya School is developed as a model nonprofit, community school where tuition is at least 40% less than comparative private schools, and 1 in 7 children, mostly orphans and children from poor families, study for free.

We were really excited to see girls from Jyotidaya Cooperative Secondary School dressed in their sports dress. We could see girls sitting in a semi-circle with a huge smiles and greeting us with their kind words.

Our topic for the week was, “Nice Moments in Life”. We had asked the participants to come with stories in our previous session.

“I was the happiest when my mother bought a skirt for me when I was in grade UKG”. said one of our participants.

One of our participants shared “My mom is in the army, and she frequently traveled out of the country. On my birthday, she had a flight in the morning, so I had decided not to celebrate my birthday. But, she came home with a birthday cake and a teddy bear. That is my nicest moment. “

“My nice moment is when I go shopping with my father and get what I like.” said one of our participants.

Another participant shared “My parents had promised to buy me a phone if I got 1st or 2nd position on my exams. My parents got me a phone and that was my happiest moment”

“My happiest moment was when I got 2 soft toys from the claw machine at Civil Mall” Shared one of our participants.

“I am happiest when I share my daily routine with my dad. He is also the first person I share my happy and sad times with. I also like to play with my friends at home. “ shared one of our participants.

“My nice moment is when my friend wished me Happy Birthday at midnight on my birthday.” shared another participant.

Another participant shared “When my mother was hospitalized with my newborn baby brother, my dad had promised to take my sister to the hospital to look at the baby but he took me instead to see the baby. This made me happy. “

“I play taekwondo. I injured my feet while playing, and my father oil massaged my feet. This made me happy.” shared another participant.

“Last year I went to my friend’s home and went to Naag Daha with her. This made me happy. I have never gone to Naag Daha before. “ shared another participant.

One of our participants shared “My happiest moment is when VTEN, my favorite artist, releases a new song. “ 

“My nice moment is when I receive compliments from others.” shared our participant.

“When my father was out of the country, he brought a suitcase full of chocolates. “ shared another participant.

One of our participants shared “When going out with friends, I saw a two-piece which I really liked, and when I returned home from school the next day, my mother had bought the same dress for me. “

“On my 3rd birthday, I got cake and gifts which I still remember. It is also memorable as my mother was pregnant with my baby brother. My favorite gift was an orange and white dress. “Shared another participant.

“I am happy when I make good drawings.” said our next participant.

Our participant shared “When father came home after office and got a watch each for my brother and me. It was my nice moment”.

After the storytelling, we discussed on what were the learnings we could get from the story we shared. We all had a long list of major learnings from our own stories. They are :

  • There are always nice moments.

  • Nice moments don't always have to be big, they can be small as well.

  • We should always be happy with what we have. 

  • Happiness doesn’t come from other people. 

  • Life is a collection of nice moments. 

  • Nice moments are different for different people.

  • Control the moments of life. 

Then we continue to discuss:

Why is a nice moment important? 

  • When you are sad you get to cheer up.

  • We can reflect back and be happy. 

  • To be grateful. 

After all these discussions, we were grateful for all the small and big nice moments of life. We greeted “Happy New Year 2022” to each other and took a group photo with huge smiles on our faces.



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